Karri Megastump, Gardner State Forest 1999 - Picture Story
Dec 16th, 2018 • Stories
Peta and Debbie on Karri Megastump, Gardner State Forest, Western Australia, 1999
The Karri Tree Eucalyptus divericolor
The Karri tree Eucalyptus diversicolor really was that big. The dimensions were: widest diameter 4.07 metre, circumference around buttresses 14.03 metres at felled height.
The Logging of this Karri Tree
The tree that stood above this stump was felled by Wayne Crombie-Wilson in 1998. It has been stated that Wayne felt such a hero dropping this tree he had a video recoding made of the event.
Regarding the logging of Gardner 08 State Forest, Peter Beatty, CALM Planning Officer for this block stated.
"This [Gardner 08] was the most ancient and pristine area [of karri forest] we had. We decided to log it because the timber industry was locked out of Jane and Giblett Forests by protests."
Personal conversation with Peter Beatty in Gardner State Forest, 1999.
Peter Beatty has retired from FPC but is a prominent member of FIFWA.
After the Karri Logging in Gardner State Forest
The timber turned out to be "useless" and now lies abandoned on the forest floor.
This is one of my most popular images, with several sales to private collections.
Camera, Hasselblad SWC with fixed 38mm Biogon, film was FP4 developed in replenished D76d.
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